Monday, August 4, 2008

Some Reasons Why You Shouldn't Start a Home Based Business

We are bombarded with e-mail, T.V. , newspaper and magazine advertisements on starting a home based business. There are so many opportunities out there and they all claim to have the best product, service and support. It all sounds so inviting and easy. This article will be a little different. I'm going to give you some reasons why you shouldn't start your own home based business.

First, it takes too much of your time. Most people only have to work an eight hour shift, go home and forget about their job until the next day. Operating a home based business can be a 24/7 proposition. Talk about taking up all your time! Having a home based business is accepting the fact that it will be constantly on your mind. Now, if you can learn to manage your time effectively then you will actually enjoy having a home based business. Yes, it takes a lot of time but the benefits can be very rewarding.

Another reason you should not start a home based business is that you most likely will have to learn a whole new set of skills. Well, quess what? This takes more of your time. Most people have never been in any kind of business so learning what to do is very important. If you don't take the time to learn you'll be on the road to failure, and that road is fast and busy! On the other side, if you are the type of person that likes to learn, is not afraid of trying something new, then a home based business can be not only rewarding but actually lots of fun. Learning about the different aspects of operating a home based business takes time, but you learn as you go.

Finally, you should not start a homes based business if you are unclear as to why you want one. Don't get into business because a friend has shown you his/her home business and they tell you that everyone is making money. If you want to start a home based business you must have your own reasons. Maybe you only need a an extra few dollars per month to help out with the bills. Then that is fine and you will operate your business with that purpose in mind. Or maybe you want to make enough for a car payment or mortgage payment. The you'll work your business with that in mind. Maybe you want to replace your current income and be able to quit your job. Whatever the reason for starting a home based business, it has to be your reason, not someone else's. If you can find that reason then you'll work toward it and have a successful home based business.

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